
How do I know and believe that my Redeemer is true man?

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I know and believe that my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, is true man, because the Bible:

  1. Expressly calls Him man.

    1 Tim. 2:5: For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.

  2. Ascribes to Him a human body and soul.

    Luke 24:39: Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself.

    Matt. 26:38: My soul is exceeding sorrowful.

  3. Ascribes to Him human emotions and actions.

    Assignment: Read Luke 2:1-12: Jesus is born, Luke 2:52: He grew, Joh. 4:6: He became tired, Mark 4:38: He slept, Matt. 4.2: He hungered, Joh. 19:28: He thirsted, Joh. 11:35: He wept, and Matt. 26-27: He suffered and died.